
Fabrication of C/C-TaC composites

  • 摘要: 难熔金属碳化物的加入可有效提高C/C材料的抗烧蚀性能,并成为近年来国内外研究的热点。文章主要介绍了中南大学在难熔金属碳化物TaC改性C/C材料制备技术方面的研究工作,主要包括含有Ta2O5的树脂/沥青浸渍-高温处理原位反应生成TaC的工艺方法、用含有有机Ta的树脂浸渍-高温处理原位反应生成TaC的工艺方法、预制体编织过程中加入TaC制备C/C-TaC的工艺方法、基于化学气相渗透法制备TaC及SiC/TaC中间界面层改性C/C材料的工艺技术以及基于化学气相沉积法制备抗烧蚀TaC及SiC/TaC难熔金属碳化物涂层的工艺技术。


    Abstract: The anti-ablation properties of C/C composites can be improved effectively by the addition of refractory metal carbide, as is widely studied in recent years. This paper reviews recent studies on the modification and coating techniques of C/C composites with TaC that have been carried out in Central South University, including the process of resin /pitch impregnation containing Ta2O5 and in situ reaction under high temperature, the process of resin /pitch impregnation containing tantalum ethoxide and in situ reaction under high temperature, the addition of TaC in the braiding of carbon fiber preforms, TaC and SiC/TaC multi-interlayer modification technique of C/C composites prepared by chemical vapor infiltration, TaC and SiC/TaC refractory metal carbide coating on C/C composites prepared by chemical vapor deposition technique.


