
A review of the researches of interaction between electric propulsion plume and spacecraft

  • 摘要: 电推进与传统的化学推进相比可以节约大量推进剂质量,被广泛用作地球同步轨道卫星南北位置保持和深空探测等任务的主推进系统。电推进器工作时产生的羽流与传统的化学推进器羽流有显著区别,电推进羽流对航天器的影响是进行卫星电推进器系统设计时需要重点关注的问题。文章讨论了电推进羽流对航天器的主要影响,介绍了国外在地面模拟试验、空间飞行验证和软件仿真技术等方面的研究现状,同时对国内开展羽流与航天器相互作用研究提出了建议。


    Abstract: The electric propulsion can provide a substantial mass saving as compared to the conventional chemical engine. It has been widely used for the station keeping and the primary propulsion of geosynchronous satellites in deep space missions. The plume induced by electric propulsion thruster is quite different from that produced by the chemical engine. The interactions between the electric propulsion plume and the spacecraft must be considered by designers. In this paper, the effects of the electric propulsion plume on the spacecraft are discussed. The related ground simulation test, in-flight test and software simulation are reviewed. Some suggestions are made for the research work in this field in China.


