An overview of pulsed laser simulation facility for single event effects and testing
摘要: 单粒子效应的脉冲激光模拟方法是单粒子效应地面模拟试验中近年来才发展起来的一种方法。文章主要介绍了脉冲激光模拟单粒子效应的基本原理、特点及国内外研究进展。研究表明脉冲激光模拟是一种有效、安全、经济、方便的地面模拟单粒子效应的方法,在器件单粒子效应危害评估及电路加固验证方面具有明显的优势。Abstract: A new method using pulsed laser to simulate single event effects (SEEs) was developed recently. The mechanism and characteristics of SEEs induced by pulsed laser are discussed. A pulsed laser system is shown to be able to simulate SEEs in semiconductor devices. It is shown that the pulsed laser is a reliable, economical and convenient method to simulate SEEs. Several case studies are given for both hardware test and diagnostic purpose.