中国航天发展历程与启示 ——2009年空间环境与材料科学论坛大会报告

A historical review and some suggestions on Chinese space technology

  • 摘要: 文章指出我国在应用卫星与卫星应用、载人航天和深空探测三大航天领域取得了巨大成就,为中国的经济、社会发展做出了巨大贡献,也展示了中国的综合实力。经过几十年的发展,中国进入太空能力得到了很大的发展,但在太空利用能力和太空控制能力的建设上还有更大的发展空间。随着我国航天事业的发展,用户对航天器的高可靠、长寿命的要求迫切,作为航天器功能实现的技术基础,环境、材料等基础研究工作应该去适应这种发展需求,加快基础能力的建设与发展。


    Abstract: Chinese space technology has made great achievements in the areas of applied satellites and satellite application, manned space flight and deep-space exploration. Compared with China’s capability of entering space, the areas of space exploitation and space control require more attentions in China. In addition, the long life and high reliability for spacecraft are becoming urgent problems. So some basic researches, related with space environment and space materials, should be carried out to improve fundamental capabilities.


