Test study of single event effect of a serial-input/parallel-output shift device
摘要: 针对型号用新型器件抗辐射能力评估的需要,研制了串并转换器件单粒子效应检测系统,并对卫星型号中准备使用的一款26位串并转换器件进行了单粒子效应评估试验,得到了器件抗单粒子锁定的阈值,并发现该器件在单粒子辐照下会出现连续位输出错误。结合器件版图、结构分析了单粒子效应造成连续位错误的原因,为器件厂家后续设计改进和卫星型号进行系统级抗辐射加固设计提供了依据。Abstract: A single-event effect detection system is designed for testing a 26-bit serial-input/parallel- output shift device. It is shown that the device will have continuous bit errors due to the single event effect. From the design of the device, the cause of the series errors is analyzed. The result may help improve the design of the device and the radiation hardening measures for the space systems.