Automatic material charging system in an assembling storeroom
摘要: 文章针对自动化配料系统在总装库房中的建设与实施,介绍了自动化配料系统的组成,自动化货柜与看板生产管理相结合的物流管理模式,以及在这种管理模式下的业务流程,并结合面向总装生产的实施进行了经济效益分析。在总装库房管理全面提升的同时,为总装生产全面协调可持续发展提供有力保障。Abstract: The structure of an automatic material charging system is presented. In this system, the automatic warehouse and JIT management are unified and the administration flow is optimized. Economic analysis shows that the assembling storeroom management is improved and the development of the assembling production is ensured.