
The leak detection system in spacecraft propulsion systems

  • 摘要: 文章研究了一种非对称基准物差压检漏技术,估算了差压检漏技术在推进系统检漏工况下的检漏灵敏度,并在2 MPa和20 MPa两种压力下进行了实验。实验结果与理论计算结果接近,实验结果表明该技术能够满足部分航天器推进系统总漏率测试要求。


    Abstract: The differential pressure method for leak detection is a kind of pressure variation leak detection techniques based on high precision differential pressure sensors. Leak detection of spacecraft propulsion systems can eliminate the use of accumulate chamber, if differential pressure method for leak detection is used. This paper develops a new differential pressure method for leak detection with an asymmetrical reference, estimates the sensitivity of this method on the condition of leak detection of spacecraft propulsion systems, and carries out experiments with this method under pressures 2 MPa and 20 MPa. The results indicate that the new method can meet the requirement for the total leakage rate of the spacecraft propulsion system.


