Quartiles of common distributions: relations and applications
摘要: 在可靠性统计分析中一些有着重要应用价值的结果含有自由度为1的常用分布的分位数。为便于应用,文章探讨了分布t (1)、χ2(1)、F(1,1)和N(0,1)分位数的关系及计算方法;给出了分布N (0,1)分位数的一个新的简单有效的计算公式,给自由度为1的常用分布统计分析计算提供了一个不用借助于查表而可以进行初步分析的简便方法。Abstract: The quartiles of common statistical distributions with one degree of freedom are found important applications in statistical analysis of reliability. This paper discusses the relations and calculations of the quartiles from t(1), χ2(1), F(1,1) and N(0,1) distributions and proposes a simple new formula to calculate quartiles of the standard normal distribution, as a new tool for statistical analysis.