Risk management for enterprise information technology outsourcing project
摘要: 文章对企业信息技术外包项目的风险管理进行了研究,将矩阵分析法和波尔达序值法应用于信息技术外包项目的风险管理,对项目进行了风险识别和分析,并提出应对策略。文章为信息技术外包项目风险管理制定了项目外包风险管理流程和方法,为企业信息技术外包项目有效规避风险提供参考。Abstract: This paper smdies me risk maIlagement for enterprise infornlation technology(IT)outsourcing projects, with an example. The risk matrix analysis method and the Borda sequence value method are applied. The risk management process includes the project risk identification and me analysis to pmVide a strategy for IT outsourcing project. This paper provides a reference for avoiding the risk effectively for the companies.