The analysis of force-limited vibration tests
摘要: 一般加速度控制的振动试验中,在产品的共振频率处存在“过试验”现象。文章通过对基础运动激励下试验件的结构响应进行分析,研究“过试验”产生的原因,说明在一阶共振频率处控制振动台作用于试验件的力可以解决过试验问题。并成功地进行了卫星承力筒力限控制振动试验,对力限控制的有效性进行了验证。Abstract: Generally, there will be over-testing near the natural frequency of the object in the vibration test controlled by acceleration only. This paper discusses the relationship between acceleration and excitation force, and analyzes why the over-testing happens. The over-testing at the natural frequency can be avoided by limiting the interface force between the object and the shaker. The test results show that this force-limited method can alleviate over-testing effectively.