
Application of space environment simulation technique in CE-1 vacuum thermal tests

  • 摘要: “嫦娥一号”卫星是我国第一颗绕月探测卫星,由于其所处特殊的热环境,造成热控设计的复杂性,随之带来的是对卫星系统热控和真空热试验提出了很高的要求。该卫星在2005-2006年一年多的时间里完成了大量的整星、系统级及大部件的真空热试验,对现有的空间环境模拟试验技术是一个严峻的考验。文章分别从外热流模拟装置设计技术、热试验支架设计技术、数据测量与控制技术等方面所做的技术创新及其在“嫦娥一号”卫星系列真空热试验中的应用情况作了简要介绍。


    Abstract: CE-1 is the first deep space satellite launched by China. Despite the experience of other DFH-3 satellites in many aspects, the thermal control design is very difficult due to its special thermal environment. The peculiar layout of thermal radiators, the complicity of external heat flux and the variety of detectors and sensors pose severe requirements on the thermal control system and the vacuum thermal test system. A series of system level and sub-system level thermal vacuum tests were carried out for CE-1 in 2005 and 2006, to verify the space environmental test techniques in BISEE. This paper discusses the application of the external heat flux simulation design technique, the bracket design technique and the measurement and control technique in the CE-1 thermal test.


