Safety design ofhigh voltage power supply for manned spacecraf
摘要: 文章通过分析载人航天器高压系统的设计难点,从系统层面自顶向下地提出了载人航天器系统高压安全控制措施并得到验证,实现了载人航天器供电、配电、用电系统的安全性设计规范化和在轨运行安全,为我国后续空间站平台奠定了电源系统技术基础。Abstract: This paper analyzes the safety design of the high voltage power supply, including the safe guarantee techniques and the implementation for the manned spacecraft. The standardization of the safety performance of the whole system of the high voltage power supply is achieved for the target spacecraft to operate safely and steadily in orbit with the high voltage power supply and distribution system, and can be applied for the future space station.