文献“GLAST large area telescope calorimeter subsystem:vibration test”点评
A review of the paper “GLAST large area telescope, calorimeter subsystem: vibration test”
摘要: 文章点评的对象是一个执行宇宙粒子物质观测任务的高分辨率、长寿命、高可靠光学部组件。点评的中心内容是关于“大面积望远镜”地面振动试验,包括对试验任务的提出、试验的具体实施以及试验后的设计评审、合格标准、技术规范等等地面力学环境试验要素进行一一介绍与评述,以供业内人士参考或商榷。Abstract: The paper to be reviewed describes the vibration test for GLAST large area telescope calorimeter subsystem, which is an optical component with good image clarity, high reliability and long lifetime. The discussions focus on the operations and logistics for the vibration tests, including the peer review of the design, the pass-failure criteria, the requirements, the facilities, the risks, and so on. These topics may interest designers and test performers.