
The study of space environmental testing abilities in ESA / ESTEC

  • 摘要: 这里的空间环境主要指电子、质子、离子、太阳紫外、原子氧、碎片、极端温度、污染等环境,这些环境在航天器中产生总剂量效应、单粒子效应、充放电效应等各种有害效应,甚至会引发航天器故障与异常。鉴于空间环境不利影响的严重性和复杂性,欧洲空间局(ESA)在欧洲空间技术研究中心(ESTEC)的产品保证与安全部门建立了空间环境试验室,目的为ESA航天器的空间环境防护提供先进的试验验证手段。文章介绍ESA/ESTEC的空间环境地面试验能力,包括空间环境模拟设备、测试仪器及其试验相关的标准;介绍ESTEC航天器研制组织体系及其空间环境试验室所在的产品保证与安全部门的职能和作用,分析研究了这些部门及空间环境试验室对ESA航天器质量、可靠性、安全性的基础保证作用;最后就完善我国空间环境试验能力提出建议。


    Abstract: The space environments involve mainly vacuum, electron, proton, ion, solar UV, atomic oxygen, debris, extreme temperature, contamination and are related with total irradiation dose effects,single event effects, charging and discharging effects on spacecrafts, and, sometimes, catastrophic failure and abnormity. In order to study the severeness and complexity of space environmental detrimental effects, ESA/ESTEC sets up a space environment laboratory in the Department of Product Assurance and Safety with advanced laboratory verification for space environment protection for ESA spacecraft. This paper reviews the studies of space environment ground test abilities in ESA/ESTEC, including space environment simulation facilities, instruments, and the related test standards. The organization of spacecraft development among ESA, ESTEC, and its Department of Product Assurance and Safety where the space environment laboratory is located is also discussed. The assurance functions of the department and the space environment laboratory with respect to spacecraft’s quality, reliability, safety are analyzed. Some suggestions are made about improving the space environmental adaptability in China for developing spacecrafts with long life and high reliability.


