
The special environment of a spacecraft with electric propulsion and its effects

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了应用离子和霍耳电推进系统在航天器周围产生的等离子体和电磁场等特殊环境,讨论了这些特殊环境对航天器各分系统或部件产生的溅射腐蚀、沉积污染、充放电、等离子体干扰、碰撞动力学扰动等影响效应,探讨了研究电推进与航天器相互作用效应的地面试验技术、空间飞行试验技术和模型分析技术,介绍了离子电推进系统与航天器相容性分析评价的技术要点。


    Abstract: This paper discusses the special environment of plasma and electromagnetic field around a spacecraft, which is resulted from ion or Hall electric propulsion, and its effects on spacecraft subsystems or parts, including sputtering erosion, deposition contamination, charge and discharge, plasma interference and impacting dynamic disturbance. Ground and space test methods, together with model analysis methods related with the interactions between electric propulsion systems and spacecrafts are reviewed. An approach for compatibility analysis between ion electric propulsion and spacecrafts is specially addressed.


