
Design of a general flight experimental platform for spacecraft

  • 摘要: 我国航天器搭载试验包括空间材料实验、航天医学实验和航天新技术验证试验,具有数据量大、需要实时传输、工作模式多样等特点。文章根据试验项目的需求,设计了应用于低轨道航天器的支持各类空间搭载试验项目的公用试验平台。地面测试验证和在轨运行情况表明,该平台在不影响飞行器平台安全的同时,满足了对试验项目的工作控制、遥测监视及试验数据传输管理的任务要求。


    Abstract: The missions of China’s spacecraft include space science experiments, aerospace medical experiments and space technology tests. These experiments involve a large amount of data, real-time data transmissions and various work patterns. This paper proposes a general experiment platform scheme applicable to all types of experiments and tests in LEO spacecraft. This experiment platform has been verified by successful flight missions, and it is shown that it can perfectly meet the requirements of operation control, telemetering monitoring and data management for experiment tasks, without influencing the spacecraft flight safety.


