
Finite element analysis in the design of large vacuum chamber

  • 摘要: 真空容器是大型空间环境模拟器的主体结构系统。文章在分析了真空容器系统结构及其设计方法的基础上,以某大型空间环境模拟器真空容器系统设计为例,探讨了有限元法在真空容器设计中的应用。工程实践表明,利用有限元法对大型空间环境模拟器容器系统进行分析设计,可以解决复杂载荷下的结构应力计算,优化真空容器的局部结构,提高容器系统可靠性和经济合理性。


    Abstract: Vacuum chamber is the main body of a space environment simulator. This paper discusses the application of finite element analysis in the design of large vacuum chambers by taking a space environment simulator as an example on the basis of structure analysis and design method of vacuum chamber. The results show that the finite element method is effective and convenient for complex external load calculations and structure optimizations and that the reliability of the vacuum vessel and economy of construction can be achieved.


