
Study on space vehicle's inner radiation environment in deep space

  • 摘要: 深空存在具有各种能量分布的粒子,这些能量分布范围很宽的粒子构成了深空环境下航天器外部的空间辐射环境。深空条件下的高能粒子会穿透航天器舱壁材料,通过射线与物质材料的相互作用,在航天器内产生二次粒子,形成由初级粒子、次级粒子叠加的混合辐射场的辐射环境。文章分析研究了高能α粒子及Fe离子在屏蔽材料中的输运过程,得到了在这些介质中的射程与能量关系及产生的二次粒子产额,为控制航天器内的辐射环境提供支撑。


    Abstract: Man’s deep space exploration may expose crews to space radiation with a wide energy spectrum and abundant in species. Particles impinging on the surface of the space vehicle or shielding materials produce secondary particles, which, together with the primary radiation contribute significantly to the space vehicle’s inner radiation environment which astronauts would be exposed. In this paper, we simulate the transport process of alpha and Iron ion in shielding materials and analyze the characteristics of the inner radiation environment.


