
Distribution of spacecraft surface charging potential in plasma sheet at geosynchronous orbit during geomagnetic storms

  • 摘要: 文章利用1989-2004年间“Los Alamos”7 颗地球同步轨道卫星的数据对不同磁暴条件下处于地球同步轨道高度等离子体片区域的卫星表面充电电位和热电子(0.03~45 keV)温度随地方时的分布及随磁暴发生时间的变化规律进行统计分析。根据对磁层顶电流修正后的Dst指数(Dst*)将磁暴分成弱磁暴、强磁暴以及超大磁暴。在随地方时的分布上,弱磁暴时卫星最可能在午夜后侧负向强充电(>800 V);随着磁暴强度的增加,在超大磁暴情况下该区域会沿东西方向扩展到夜晚21时到凌晨4时的区域。在随磁暴发生时间的分布上,弱磁暴下卫星表面充电到高负电位主要发生在Dst*最低点前3 h和后2 h的时刻,强磁暴下主要发生在Dst*最低点时刻,而超大磁暴下主要发生在恢复相,持续时间达十几个小时。表面电位的分布规律和热电子温度的分布规律表现一致:卫星表面负电位超过100 V的区域主要集中在热电子温度大于2 keV的区域,而表面负电位最可能超过800 V的区域主要集中在热电子温度大于2.5 keV的区域。通过统计分析看出,对于那些极可能发生高负电位充电(>8 kV)情况下的卫星表面电位分布与磁暴的强弱并无明显的相关性,但发现在弱磁暴情况下明显集中在正午前侧区域。


    Abstract: The 16 years’ accumulation of magnetospheric plasma analyzer data from seven Los Alamos geosynchronous satellites is used for a statistical study on the hot electron temperature (0.03~45 keV) and the spacecraft (S/C) surface sunlit charging potential in the plasma sheet region at the geosynchronous orbit and their dependence on the local time (LT) and the epoch time (ET) with respect to storms of three categories: moderate, intense and super storms, based on different geomagnetic activity levels as measured by Dst index corrected by the solar wind dynamic pressure. As a function of LT and three categories of storms, the measured S/C surface charging potential is shown with distinct spatial and temporal distributions well consistent with hot electron temperature behaviors. The area of the most probable charging and of a high negative level expands following a systematic trend with increasing storm size, and the post-midnight region for moderate storms will expand to the LT=21~04 region for super storms. The most probable charging with a high negative level dominates at about 3 hours before and 2 hours after the moderate storm peak, just at the intense storm peak and in the recovery phase of the super storms. However, there is no systematic relations between a large negative charging (>8 kV) and the magnitude of storms as evidenced in this study; it can occur in all geomagnetic activity levels and perhaps more likely in the pre-noon sector during the moderate storm peak time.


