
On the monitoring of space environmental effects in China

  • 摘要: 随着对应用卫星长寿命、高可靠要求的不断提高,空间环境及其与航天器相互作用的在轨监测日益受到重视,基于空间环境及其效应监测的卫星在轨风险管理已成为保障航天器长寿命高可靠的重要手段。文章在分析国外相关领域的发展现状的基础上,提出我国开展空间环境及其效应监测的初步设想。


    Abstract: With the requirement of long lifetime and high reliability for spacecraft, it is important to monitor space environment and its effects, and the spacecraft risk management in orbit should be based on space environment and its effects as an important aspect. Some suggestions are made on monitoring space environmental effects in China based on an analysis of related work in other countries.


