
Simulation of spacecraft surface charging and active control of spacecraft surface potential

  • 摘要: 文章运用等效电路理论推导出随时间变化充电问题的微分方程组,用FORTRAN语言开发了相应的计算机模拟程序,针对强地磁亚暴空间环境分析了地球同步轨道航天器在阴影区和光照区的充电水平。最后计算讨论了采用空心阴极等离子体接触器向航天器外发射电子束作为控制航天器充电水平手段的作用效果。


    Abstract: The time-domain differential equations are derived for spacecraft charging based on the equivalent circuit theory, and a related simulation program is developed with FORTRAN language. Under the worst-case geomagnetic sub-storm conditions, the surface charging levels of spacecraft in sunlight and without sunlight are analyzed. The electron beam ejecting outward from spacecraft as a way of controlling spacecraft surface potential is also analyzed. The calculation result shows that this approach by ejecting electrons from the hollow cathode plasma can effectively keep the spacecraft surface potential under control.


