
Mitigation of reentry communication blackout

  • 摘要: 文章通过分析等离子体鞘层与电磁波的相互作用,考察了通信黑障的产生原理及其影响,详细介绍了各种通信黑障消除方法的基本原理及其优缺点,包括改变空气动力学形状、亲电子物质注入、磁开窗、引入交叉电磁场、提高发射功率和入射波频率以及采用Raman散射通信等,为进一步开展通信黑障消除方法的应用研究指明了方向。


    Abstract: Through an analysis of interactions of plasma electrons with RF signals, the causes and the effects of the RF blackout phenomena are investigated. Various approaches of mitigating the bad effects are compared, such as the aerodynamic shaping, the electrophilic injection, the use of magnetic windows, the use of E×B electromagnetic field, the use of high frequencies or high power, and the use of Raman scattering.


