
The effect of atomic oxygen on the properties and functions of quartz crystal microbalance

  • 摘要: 随着高可靠、长寿命航天器的发展,对在轨污染检测的要求也越来越高。石英晶体微量天平是分子污染检测的重要工具,为了分析了解原子氧对石英晶体微量天平的影响,文章用理论分析和试验的方法对石英晶片在1×1020 atom/cm2注量的原子氧辐照条件下的性能变化进行了研究。试验证明,石英晶体微量天平在总注量1020 atom/cm2量级的原子氧辐照后,其振荡频率和等效阻容感发生了一定变化,但仍具备污染传感能力和频率输出能力,其功能不受影响。


    Abstract: With the improvement of spacecraft in reliability and life, the in-flight contamination detection becomes more and more important. The influence of space atomic oxygen(AO) on the quartz crystal microbalance may be used for molecular contamination detection, therefore, the properties of quartz wafer after 1×1020 cm-2 AO irradiation are studied theoretically and experimentally in this paper. The test results show that the sample wafers retain their functions as contamination sensors and the ability for frequency output, despite slight changes in their oscillation frequency and electrical properties.


