
Measurement Technology of Satellite Antenna and Payload in Compact Range

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了CCR 120/100紧缩场的基本原理和主要特点,该紧缩场的主、副反射面表面精度达到RMS 10~15μm,具有100 GHz以上的高频潜在测试能力。概要讲述了利用紧缩场进行卫星整星状态下的天线及卫星系统测试的原理及方法。文章还对该紧缩场的测试误差进行了全面的分析。


    Abstract: The principle and the main characteristics of CCR120/100 Compensated Compact Range are described in this paper. The surface accuracy of the main reflector and sub-reflector is RMS 10~15 μm,so the potential ability for measurement can be extended to more than 100 GHz. The test principles and test methods of the antenna and satellite RF system in Compensated Compact Range are summarized, and the test errors are analyzed.


