
The giant collision of US-Russia satellites in space and its influences on spaceflight activities

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了最近发生的美俄卫星太空碰撞重大事件;深入剖析了导致碰撞的可能原因;详细评述了卫星碰撞事件对空间碎片环境的严重恶化和对人类航天活动的影响;分析了碰撞事件对空间碎片研究带来的新困难和新挑战。文章指出,从航天器安全角度来讲,减缓、控制乃至清除空间碎片是全人类共同的责任和唯一选择。


    Abstract: This paper discusses the giant collision of US-Russia satellites in space, including a brief description, possible causes for this accident, the influence of this collision on the space debris environment, on the in-orbit spacecraft and even on the future spaceflight activities, and the new challenges after this accident for space debris protection of spacecraft. It is pointed out that it is our common duty and the only choice to mitigate, control, and clean up space debris.


