Space environmental monitoring and test system
摘要: 随着我国空间技术的快速发展,空间环境与效应问题已经受到越来越多的关注。文章在国内外空间环境监测与试验研究发展现状的基础上,指出我国在该领域存在的问题。对于我国空间环境监测与试验体系的发展,提出了制定并完善相应规划、建设空间环境观测体系以及加强相关技术的研究等有益的建议。Abstract: With the development of space technology, space environment and its effect are paid more and more attentions in China. With respect to space environmental monitoring and test, some suggestions are made to establish related programs, build a space environmental monitoring system, and carry out related technical researches.