
Verification capabilities of Japan JAXA spacecraft environment engineering

  • 摘要: 日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)是负责日本航空航天开发的独立行政实体,主要承担日本航天器研究、开发、发射和运行等业务。JAXA拥有日本先进的航天基础设施和环境验证手段,集中了大量高水平的力学环境、真空热环境和特殊环境的试验测试设备,能够承担航天器系统级总装、专业测试和环境试验,也具备航天器原材料、元器件等的环境试验与评价能力。JAXA具有国际一流的航天器环境工程验证能力,对日本航天事业的飞速发展发挥了重要支撑作用。根据我国航天发展战略以及对标国际一流航天先进技术的要求,文章跟踪研究了JAXA的航天器环境工程验证能力的建设、基地布局、管理模式和标准体系等方面的成功经验,提出了我国航天器环境工程的发展建议与启示。


    Abstract: Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency (JAXA) is an institution responsible for Japan aerospace development, including Japan spacecraft research, development, launch and orbit management. JAXA spacecraft environment engineering concerns the verification of Japan's most advanced space ground facilities and environment verification means, with many high level test facilities and various pieces of measurement equipment related with mechanical environment, thermal vacuum environment, and space special environment, to provide services for spacecraft AIT, including environment evaluation testing for spacecraft materials and components. JAXA spacecraft environment engineering is now in a most advanced international level after many year's development, and we have much to learn for Chinese space technology development. This paper introduces the successful experiences of JAXA spacecraft environment engineering's verification establishment, facility distribution and management and test standards. Some suggestions are put forward in this respect.


