
Penetration criterion of impacted plate based on projectile diameter and its velocity

  • 摘要: 文章提出了基于弹丸直径和速度的靶板毁伤二次函数模型,其特点是毁伤函数的正值意味着靶板已被击穿,其负值意味着靶板未被击穿;还推导出了用试验数据确定靶板毁伤函数的方法,通过令该毁伤函数为0而得到了基于弹丸直径和速度的靶板击穿判据,并给出了作为靶板击穿判据的曲线形状辨识方法;最后,用一组模拟数据验证了该方法的实现过程,证明了该方法的可行性。


    Abstract: A quadratic function model of plate damage by projectile impact, as related with its diameter and velocity is presented, whose positive value means that the impacted plate is penetrated and whose negative value means that the impacted plate is not penetrated. A method to determine the coefficients of the quadratic function using test data is proposed. The penetration criterion of impacted plate based on projectile's diameter and its velocity can be obtained by letting the quadratic function to be zero, and a curve shape identification method for the penetration criterion is also given in the paper. The procedure to determine the penetration criterion is shown through a group of simulated data, and the feasibility of the method is also confirmed by the example.


