
Design and implementation of data visual system in spacecraft vacuum thermal test

  • 摘要: 针对航天器真空热试验测控数据处理现状和需求,通过引入三维数据可视化技术,设计了一种数据可视化系统。该系统运用Java 3D技术,通过虚拟场景设定,将真空热试验试件三维设计模型与热模型结合,实现温度数据—颜色映射,以云图形式显示测控数据,并实现与现有测控软件数据交互。典型试验结果表明:该可视化系统可以实时、真实、直观地显示试件在真空热试验过程中的温度变化情况,为试验过程中的实时温度监视和工况判读提供有效手段。


    Abstract: A three-dimensional data visualization display system for spacecraft vacuum thermal tests is designed by using Java 3D and by setting a virtual scene. The system combines the 3D model of the spacecraft with the thermal model, making the temperature data displayed in the form of cloud images through a color mapping, and the data exchange is realized with existing monitoring and control software. The typical experimental results show that this system can display the online test temperature not only visually but also accurately.


