
The precision analysis of constrained and unconstraint mode dimension reduction model for flexible manipulator

  • 摘要: 针对柔性机械臂约束、非约束模态降维的动力学绝对误差问题,可采用有限元法描述柔性变形,并应用拉格朗日法建立其动力学模型,分别利用约束和非约束模态进行降维,来比对两种降维方法的绝对精度。仿真结果表明:约束、非约束模态降维模型都具有较高的动力学精度,取相同阶数的非约束模态动力学精度更高,而约束模态的误差具有随时间累积的特点。


    Abstract: To study the precision of the constrained and unconstraint mode dimension reduction model for flexible manipulator, the finite element method is applied to describe the flexible deformation, the Lagrange method is used to establish the dynamical model; and then the dimension is reduced by the constrained and unconstrained mode method; in the end, the absolute errors of the two dimensional reduction method are analyzed. The simulation results show that both models have a good performance in the precision of dynamics. The unconstraint mode dynamic model has a higher precision when considering the same order, the absolute error of the constraint mode model has the nature of accumulation over time.


