
An outline of the laboratory environmental qualification test for military aircraft products (Part Ⅱ)

  • 摘要: 文章分为两部分。此为第二部分,主要指出了环境鉴定试验实施过程中发现的15个共性问题,它们涉及到基本技术概念、对试验方法标准的理解、对环境鉴定试验的认识和试验管理等诸多方面。文章对每一个问题产生的原因和应当如何理解均作了深入细致的说明,并提出了改进建议。最后,文章还概括了审查和评价环境鉴定试验是否合理和有效的8大主要因素。文章特别指出应尽快规范环境鉴定试验大纲、单项环境试验报告的内容和格式,并把好评审关,因此制订《装备环境工程文件编写要求》标准和相关规定为当务之急。


    Abstract: This paper will be published in two parts. The second part is about the environmental qualification test process, and the fifteen common problems related with the test process are pointed out, including basic technical conception, test standards, the role played by the test, the test management, and so on. The background and essential points of each problem and the method to improve measurements are emphasized. In the end, eight primary factors in evaluating the validity of environmental qualification tests are summarized, and what should be done in the nearest future is also indicated, which covers standardization and review of environmental qualification test documents, including test programs, single test reports and test master reports. Thus, the laboratory environmental qualification test could be more efficient at the finalizing of military aircraft products.


