
An overview of spacecraft inner-cabin radiation dose measurement in manned spaceflight missions

  • 摘要: 文章介绍了美国、苏联/俄罗斯载人航天器舱内辐射剂量监测技术及部分监测结果,分析了我国“神舟3号”和“神舟4号”飞船返回舱内的辐射剂量探测技术及结果,并在此基础上就我国载人航天器的辐射剂量探测方法提出若干建议。


    Abstract: The inner cabin radiation dose measurement results obtained onboard US and Soviet/Russia spacecrafts are discussed in this paper, together with an analysis of radiation dose measurements made by manned spacecraft SZ-3 and SZ-4 in our country. Some suggestions are made on the basis of these analyses.


