
Calculation and analysis of displacement damage dose for typical satellite orbits

  • 摘要: 位移损伤剂量是评估电子元器件在轨发生位移损伤导致性能退化的重要参数。文章首先给出了位移损伤剂量的等效原理和计算方法,即用位移损伤等效注量来表征卫星轨道带电粒子导致的位移损伤剂量;之后分别采用3种不同的太阳质子注量模型,计算了典型大椭圆轨道的位移损伤等效注量,并结合计算结果对不同模型的特点和适用性进行了分析;其后针对4种典型卫星轨道,计算了不同飞行寿命期内的位移损伤等效注量,发现不同轨道的位移损伤剂量有较大差异,并结合空间带电粒子辐射环境分布特点及卫星轨道参数等分析了差异的产生原因;最后,分析不同的太阳质子注量预估方法对位移损伤剂量计算结果的影响,总结了不同轨道、不同飞行寿命情况下卫星经受的带电粒子辐射环境的严酷程度。研究结果可为卫星内部元器件位移损伤效应防护工作提供参考。


    Abstract: Displacement damage dose is a parameter used to quantify the displacement damage effect on electrical and electronic components. The method for calculating the displacement damage equivalent particle fluence is presented, which is used to characterize the displacement damage dose induced by the radiation environment on orbit. The characteristics of three different solar proton fluence models are proposed based on the analysis of results. The displacement damage doses on typical satellite orbits are calculated and the characteristics of the radiation environment relevant displacement damage are analyzed. This paper provides a reference for radiation hardness assurance for space systems.


