
The protection against single event effects for spacecraft

  • 摘要: 随着航天电子器件集成度的不断提高,其发生单粒子效应的风险越来越高,已经成为影响航天器可靠性和运行寿命的重要因素。文章首先介绍了单粒子效应的发生机理、研究方法和研究成果,在此基础上对现有的各种抗单粒子效应加固技术进行了总结,按照硬件加固技术、软件加固技术和轨道优化设计的思路较为系统地论述了单粒子效应的防护手段。


    Abstract: The risk of single event effects for spacecraft is getting higher and higher with the trend of integration of astronautic electronic devices. It has already become one of the important factors to influence the spacecraft reliability and service life. This paper first discusses the mechanism of the single event effect, and its research methods and research achievements; then reviews the existing radiation hardening technologies. The protection against single event effects is discussed in terms of hardware and software protection technologies, and the orbit optimization design.


