
Locating the hypervelocity impact source in a stiffened plate by acoustic emission

  • 摘要: 加筋板是航天器上的常用结构。为研制基于声发射技术的在轨感知系统,需要研究加筋板中声发射波传播规律及撞击源定位方法。文章测定了断铅信号在加筋板中的传播速度,对沿不同方向传播的波速进行了比较;通过有限元仿真,研究了筋体几何尺寸对板中声发射信号传播规律的影响。试验与仿真的结果表明:筋体对信号压缩波波速影响较小,但会造成信号第一幅值的衰减,在传感器布局设计时需要考虑到该因素。将加筋板中声发射信号传播速度取为沿不同方向传播波速的平均值,可将源定位问题转化成求取函数最小值的优化问题,在加筋板上对断铅波源和超高速撞击波源进行定位效果较好。


    Abstract: The stiffened plate is a commonly used structure in spacecraft. In order to develop the onboard monitoring system based on acoustic emission technology, the wave propagation in a stiffened plate and the source locating method are important issues. In this paper, the speed of waves in different directions in a stiffened plate is measured by lead break tests. The effect of different dimensions of stiffeners is studied by FEM. Test and simulation results show that the stiffeners have but little effect on the extensional wave speed, but they cause an attenuation of the first peak amplitude. Assuming that the signal propagation velocity in the stiffened plate is a constant, the source can be located by the optimization of seeking the minimum of a function. From the locating tests of the lead break source and the hypervelocity impact source that were carried out on the stiffened plate, good results with small errors are obtained.


