
Numerical simulation for thermo-electrical coupling on solar panels of a lunar rover

  • 摘要: 文章建立了月面巡视探测器太阳帆板热电耦合计算模型,制定了太阳帆板的对日定向方案和输出电能分配方案,通过数值模拟获得了月面白昼期间太阳帆板的温度及电能输出,分析了太阳帆板背面包覆隔热材料前后及帆板是否对日定向等方案的计算结果。计算表明,当帆板不对日定向时其背面包覆隔热材料对其温度场及电能输出无明显影响,对日定向时帆板温度随时间的分布规律发生了明显改变,此时帆板背面包覆隔热材料使其温度明显上升,但帆板顶面与背面的温差减小。


    Abstract: A thermo-electrical coupling simulation model is established for calculations of thermoelectricity on solar panels of a lunar rover. There are two configurations of solar panels, one is for the orientation of the rover related to the Sun and the other is for power supply. Through numerical simulation the temperature and power output of the solar panel are calculated during the lunar daytime. The results with or without insulating materials covered on backside of the solar panel and with its orientation pointing to the Sun or not are analyzed. It is shown that the effects of the insulating materials on backside of the solar panel on the temperature and power output are not significant when the solar panel is not oriented to the Sun. But temperature distributions with time are greatly affected when the solar panel points to the Sun. Under that condition, temperature rises, because of insulating materials on backside, but the temperature difference between front side and backside of the solar panel decreases.


