
Design and realization of satellite assembly location machine

  • 摘要: 航天器装配定位机构是重要的技术改造项目之一,用于舱段精密对接与分解,其通过与空间定位系统、自动起吊装置的配合,实现舱段对接与分解过程的量化识别与自动控制。该机构主要设计有质心捕获、自动调平和旋转等功能,为舱段对接与分解提供基础支撑平台、航天器空间姿态调整和相关数据支持。文章阐述了航天器装配定位机构原理,并对其主要功能的实现方法进行了设计。


    Abstract: The spacecraft assembly location machine is one of the items for technical improvement of some spacecraft, and is one part of the cabin precision docking and disassembly technology. The numerical identification and the automatic control of the cabin docking and disassembly are implemented with the space position system and the automatic sling. This machine has the functions of the centroid capture, the automatic leveling, and the rotation control. It serves as the supporting platform, to adjust the spacecraft attitude, and to give the correlative data support. The design principles and the implementation methods of those functions are discussed in this paper.


