
Analysis and improvement of temperature reference equipment for thermocouple in vacuum thermal tests

  • 摘要: 热电偶测温系统是真空热试验中最常用的温度测量系统,温度参考点是热电偶测温系统的重要组成部分。文章分析了热电偶温度参考点的各项技术要求,为参考点结构设计、热设计、电装工艺等提供了依据;同时结合温度参考点的现状,为简化操作,降低使用风险,提出了一种优化改进结构方案,并进行了热分析计算以及试验验证,结果表明该方案完全满足参考点各项技术要求。


    Abstract: The temperature reference equipment is an important part of a temperature measurement system with thermocouples, as most widely used in vacuum thermal tests. This paper analyzes the technical requirements for the temperature reference equipment, to serve as the basis for the structural design, the thermal design, and the process of electric assembling. An improvement scheme is proposed by optimizing its design based on the current version to simplify the operation and to reduce the risks in its use. A thermal analysis and an experimental validation show that this scheme can meet all technical requirements for the temperature reference equipment.


