文献“Environmental Testing for Launch and Space Vehicles”1点评
A Review on the Paper “Environmental Testing for Launch and Space Vehicles”1
摘要: 作者根据多年的实践经验,对该文献中重要部分进行了点评,指出:空间系统的结构设计要“严格”按照环境设计来进行考核,而环境试验的目的除了筛选工艺质量之外,更重要的是验证设计载荷是否合理。文章还分别对声、振动和冲击试验中的关键步骤和内容进行了解析和说明。Abstract: The paper “Environmental Testing for Launch and Space Vehicles”1 is reviewed basied on the author’s experience. It is pointed out that the structural design of space systems is dictated by the “ rigors” of the environmental testing in verifying the design of space systems and screening flight hardware for qualify of workmanship. The paper also analyzes the key procedures in acoustic testing ,vibration testing and shock testing.