
Automatic measurement for the current stability of the CM2 program-controlled current stable supply

  • 摘要: 文章将零磁通电流互感器技术应用到了大电流稳定性测试中,从而解决了CM2航天器磁环境模拟设备中的程控稳流电源输出电流稳定性测试的难题,稳定性指标高达10-5/8h。文章简述了零磁通电流互感器技术的基本原理,介绍了采用零磁通电流互感器技术对CM2程控稳流电源电流稳定性进行自动测试的方法,分析了影响大电流稳定性现场自动测试的因素并提出了相应解决方案。


    Abstract: The paper discusses a zero-flux current transformer technology, and applies it to stability tests of the large current, which may used to test the current stability of the CM2 program-controlled current stable supply, in a range up to 10-5/8h. The discussion includes the fundamental principles of the zero-flux current transformer technology, automatic measurement methods for the current stability of the CM2 current stable supply, an analysis of the impact of the high current stability in the on-site testing and the related solutions.


