Acoustic characteristics of the 900 m3 reverberation chamber and its sound sources are studied by experiment. The reverberation time, the acoustic power and the frequency characteristics of sound sources are measured and calculated, and the experimental results are analyzed. The reverberation time is calculated by suddenly cutting off the source according to the linear relation between the decrement of SPL and time. The spectrum shaping ability of the reverberation chamber under the reference sound source's power spectrum is also discussed with respect to the reverberation time. The acoustic power is measured by the method of reverberation chamber and the method of approximate travelling wave field, respectively. The difference and the relation between the two methods are pointed out. The frequency characteristics of the acoustic generator driven by the white noise signal are evaluated by the method of the approximate travelling wave field. The reverberation chamber statistical frequency and the horn's acoustic loss are analyzed according to the experimental data, and the evaluation methods for the statistical frequency lower limit and the horn's acoustic loss are proposed.