
The system weight control for manned spacecraft

  • 摘要: 系统的重量设计和控制贯穿于载人航天器研制的全过程,在型号研制中占有非常重要的地位。文章结合载人航天器型号研制实践,描述了载人航天器系统重量构成、重量控制流程、不同研制阶段的重量控制要点、系统重量控制体会以及轻量化设计措施,为未来载人航天器型号设计和减重研究提供借鉴与参考。


    Abstract: The design and the control of the system weight are important in the development of manned spacecrafts. Based on the practices, this paper discusses the composition of the system weight of manned spacecrafts, and the rellated control processes, focusing on the key points at different development stages, the first-hand experience, and the lightweight design.


