
Development of a low-vacuum, low rotational speed, high-precision dynamic balance testing system for spacecraft

  • 摘要: 针对某大型航天器动平衡测试需求,分析其动平衡测试过程中的主要影响因素和难点,研制了基于动平衡机和真空罐的综合测试系统,实现了低真空和低转速状态下大尺寸、大质量航天器的高精度测试。通过动平衡机系统内旋转平台的旋转运动、水平运动以及铰链摆动引起的传感器电势差变化,实现静不平衡量和偶不平衡量测试。整个系统对机械接口精度、测试设备自身动平衡控制及测试效率等关键指标进行控制,实现了高精度、高效率的测试。低真空环境下,动平衡机的静不平衡配平精度达到3 kg·mm,偶不平衡配平精度达到12 000 kg·mm2。该系统可用于大型不规则旋转体的真空动平衡测试。


    Abstract: To meet the dynamic balance testing requirements for large spacecraft, this paper analyzed the main influencing factors and challenges in the testing process. A comprehensive testing system, integrating a dynamic balance facility with a vacuum chamber, was proposed to achieve high-precision measurements of large, massive spacecraft under low-vacuum and low rotational speed conditions. The system leveraged sensor potential changes due to the rotational and horizontal movements of the platform, as well as the hinge swing in the testing setup, to measure static and couple unbalances. Key aspects such as mechanical interface accuracy, dynamic balance of the testing equipment, and measurement efficiency are controled to ensure high-precision testing. In a vacuum environment, the static unbalance trim accuracy and couple unbalance trim accuracy reached 3 kg·mm and 12000 kg·mm2, respectively. The system is capable of testing the dynamic balance of large, irregular rotating bodies.


