
Method for fast on-orbit sealing assessment of manned spacecraft docking channel

  • 摘要: 载人航天器与空间站对接机构之间形成的对接通道的密封性是影响组合体密封性的关键环节。为在开舱门前快速确认对接通道的密封性,同时不必增配检漏设备,提出先根据快速检漏仪原理,利用在轨数据获得对接通道密封性达标的成功包络线,再基于成功包络线进行对接通道密封性在轨快速评估的方法。通过某型号在轨对接通道压力监测记录进行验证,结果表明,采用该评估方法最快可在3 h内实现对接通道密封性的在轨快速评估,相比之前的24 h,大大缩短了舱门打开前的等待时间,可为上行载荷的快速部署提供便利。


    Abstract: The docking channel between the manned spacecraft and the space station’s docking mechanism is a critical component affecting the assembly’s sealing. To rapidly confirm the sealing integrity of the docking channel before opening the hatch door, without the need for additional leak detection equipment, a fast on-orbit evaluation method was proposed. This method leveraged the principle of rapid leak detection, utilizing on-orbit data to establish a success envelope for docking channel sealing. Based on this success envelope, the sealing performance of the docking channel was assessed. The effectiveness of the sealing was validated using in-orbit pressure monitoring data from a spacecraft. The results demonstrate that the on-orbit assessment process for docking channel sealing can be reduced from 24 hours to just 3 hours, significantly decreasing the waiting hours before the hatch door can be opened. The proposed study may facilitate the rapid deployment of uploads.


