
Ground-based equivalent test method for single-event effects induced by direct and indirect space proton ionization

  • 摘要: 以40 nm和65 nm CMOS工艺SRAM为样品,进行质子辐照单粒子效应试验研究,以建立空间质子引起单粒子效应的地面等效评估试验方法。分别进行低能质子直接电离、高能质子核反应和重离子直接电离引起的单粒子翻转试验;根据获得的试验数据,分析讨论给出空间质子引起半导体器件单粒子效应的地面等效评估试验方法:对低能质子直接电离引起的单粒子效应,基于LET等效采用重离子进行试验;对高能质子非直接电离引起的单粒子效应,采用高能质子进行试验;根据地面质子和重离子辐照试验数据,结合空间辐射环境模型,预计由空间质子辐射引起的器件在轨单粒子翻转率。


    Abstract: This paper studies the single event effects (SEE) induced by protons in 40 nm and 65 nm CMOS SRAM to develop a test method for the SEE induced by space protons. The samples are irradiated and the single event upsets induced by the direct ionization of the low energy protons, the high energy proton nuclear reaction products, and the heavy ions are measured. The curves of the cross sections versus the incident proton energy and the heavy ion LET are obtained. The single event effect test method is proposed as follows. 1) To evaluate the single event effects induced by the direct ionization of the low-energy protons, based on the linear energy transfer (LET) equivalent theory, the heavy ion test is carried out. 2) High-energy proton test is performed to evaluate the single event effect induced by the indirect ionization of the high energy protons. 3) The on-orbit single event upset rates are predicted according to the ground-based experimental data of the proton and heavy-ion single event effects, combined with a space radiation environmental model.


