
The ionosphere photometer (IPM) onboard China’s meteorological satellite FY-3D

  • 摘要: “风云三号”D星电离层光度计(IPM)是我国首次利用天基方式对电离层进行全天候定量化光学遥感观测的载荷。该载荷通过观测电离层夜/日间OI 135.6 nm气辉辐射强度、日间N2LBH带气辉辐射强度,可以反演获取夜间电子总含量(TEC)、F2层峰值电子密度(NmF2)及日间O/N2比等关键电离层环境信息。该载荷具备夜间高灵敏度观测的突出优势,非常适合电离层精细结构和微小变化观测,配置了夜间和日间两种工作模式,可以实现对电离层关键环境信息的全天候监测。文章主要对该电离层光度计的观测目标、观测原理、系统组成和在轨观测结果进行介绍。


    Abstract: The ionosphere photometer (IPM) onboard China’s second-generation, polar-orbiting meteorological satellite Fengyun-3D is the first all-weather quantitative optical remote sensing payload in China for the space-based surveillance of the ionospheric environment, capable of detecting the ionospheric airglow intensity of the nighttime/daytime OI 135.6 nm and the airglow intensity of the daytime N2LBH. The key ionospheric environmental parameters, including the total electron content (TEC) at night, the F2 layer peak electron density (NmF2), and the daytime O/N2 ratio, can be deduced. The payload enjoys the outstanding advantage of high sensitivity at night, suitable for the detection of the fine structure and the small changes of the ionosphere. It is built in with two operation modes for the night and day observations, respectively, to realize all-weather monitoring of the ionosphere. This paper analyzes the detection goal, the remote sensing principle, the system composition and function, as well as the in-orbit detection results of the IPM.


