This paper reviews the development of China’s space environmental monitoring technologies, both space-based and ground-based, with emphasis on the present situation and the developing trend. At present, China’s space-based space environment monitoring technology has the capability of covering main types of satellite orbits and nearly all related physical parameters. The ongoing SMILE program, the ASO-S program and the schedule for the L1-point monitoring, are going to have the space-based monitoring ability in a new height. On the aspect of the ground-based monitoring, the networked comprehensive monitoring ability is developing rapidly. In the second phase of the China’s Meridian Project, a stereometric solar-terrestrial space monitoring system is to be constructed to cover the whole territory of China, sweeping the polar regions to the mid-to-low latitude regions. Based on that Project, China is promoting the International Meridian Circle Program, indicating a novel stage of China’s space environmental monitoring platforms, featuring the ground-space integration.