
Development and prospect of China’s space-based and ground-based space environment monitoring platforms

  • 摘要: 文章简要回顾我国空间环境天/地基监测设施的发展历程,重点阐述发展现状,并分析未来发展方向。目前,我国的空间环境天基监测已具备一定规模,覆盖主要的轨道类型,探测要素基本齐全,正在工程实施阶段的太阳风‒磁层相互作用全景成像卫星(SMILE)计划、空间先进太阳观测台(ASO-S)计划,以及规划中的日地拉格朗日L1点监测,将促进天基监测能力的大幅提升。地基监测方面,网络化综合监测能力快速发展,“子午工程”二期正在建设的覆盖全国和高/中/低纬的、日地空间全圈层的立体式监测网络将使我国地基监测能力步入世界先进行列。同时,国际子午圈大科学计划的有序推进标志着我国空间环境地基监测正迈出辐射全球的步伐。我国空间环境监测平台已经进入天/地基融合发展的新阶段。


    Abstract: This paper reviews the development of China’s space environmental monitoring technologies, both space-based and ground-based, with emphasis on the present situation and the developing trend. At present, China’s space-based space environment monitoring technology has the capability of covering main types of satellite orbits and nearly all related physical parameters. The ongoing SMILE program, the ASO-S program and the schedule for the L1-point monitoring, are going to have the space-based monitoring ability in a new height. On the aspect of the ground-based monitoring, the networked comprehensive monitoring ability is developing rapidly. In the second phase of the China’s Meridian Project, a stereometric solar-terrestrial space monitoring system is to be constructed to cover the whole territory of China, sweeping the polar regions to the mid-to-low latitude regions. Based on that Project, China is promoting the International Meridian Circle Program, indicating a novel stage of China’s space environmental monitoring platforms, featuring the ground-space integration.


