
Techniques for comprehensive protection of spacecraft equipment for processing weak electromagnetic signals

  • 摘要: 航天器弱电磁信号处理设备极易受到来自数据管理、姿态控制、供配电等电子设备的噪声干扰而无法正常工作。文章分析了弱电磁信号处理设备受航天器平台干扰的机理和干扰源识别方法,提出低频电缆整束屏蔽、穿舱电缆孔缝屏蔽、舱外设备支架屏蔽和舱体结构电磁隔离等多种抗干扰防护措施。实践证明这些措施可有效实现弱电磁信号处理设备的抗干扰防护,具有工程应用价值,可供航天器总体电磁兼容性设计参考。


    Abstract: The spacecraft payload equipment for processing weak electromagnetic signals is vulnerable to the noise emitted by the electronic equipment of the platform, and such equipment includes the data management unit, the attitude control unit, and the power distribution block. In this paper, the related mechanism of interference is identified, and several anti-interference protection techniques are discussed, such as the overall shielding for the low frequency cables, the slot shielding for cables routing through panels, the shielding for the bracket outside the satellite, and the physical metal isolation for the external structure. These techniques have their engineering values, and can be used by spacecraft system engineers in the EMC design.


