
High temperature-stability thermal design of separated type APS star sensor and the on-orbit test

  • 摘要: 星敏感器是航天器姿态控制和天文导航系统的重要组成部分。遥感卫星在轨运行时,须降低其星敏感器温度波动,减小热环境变化带来的星敏感器光轴指向偏差,以提高卫星的姿态控制精度。文章以某太阳同步轨道卫星为例,采用常规热控措施实现分体式主动像元星敏感器安装法兰及支架高温度稳定度(T±2 ℃)的热设计,并在轨实施取得满意效果,可为后续分体式星敏感器热设计提供参考。


    Abstract: The star sensor is one of the most important parts for the attitude control and the astronomic navigation of spacecraft. For a remote-sensing satellite in orbit, it is essential to reduce the temperature fluctuations of the star sensor in order to reduce the deviation of the star sensor optical axis directing error for achieving a more precise control of the satellite’s attitude. In this paper, some conventional thermal design methods are implemented to realize the (T±2) ℃ temperature control stability for the separated active pixel sensor (APS) used on a certain sun-synchronous satellite. The thermal analysis result and the in-orbit operation data have validated the above design in meeting the temperature control requirement of the installation flange and bracket. The methods can provide a reference for the thermal design of other separated type star sensors.


