
Testing of total leakage rate of spacecraft based on He container with positive pressure

  • 摘要: 在总装测试中,多采用氦质谱非真空累积检漏技术在常压环境下对航天器的密封性能进行检测。检漏过程中由于自然环境大气压的变化,作为收集氦气的检漏容器——包装箱箱体可能需要承载负压,因此设计包装箱时须增强包装箱结构,会导致箱体自重过大。文章对正压环境下氦质谱非真空累积检漏技术进行研究,对该方法的可行性、测量精度和误差进行理论分析和试验验证,意在证明正压法检漏的可行性,进而优化航天器包装箱结构。结果表明:该方法适用于航天器总漏率检测,能避免泄漏检测过程中航天器包装箱因承载负压而发生损坏,可为航天器包装箱的减重设计提供参考。


    Abstract: In the AIT process of a spacecraft, the testing of the total leakage rate is usually conducted with the helium accumulation in an ambient pressure environment based on the mass spectrum technology. A spacecraft container is often used to collect the helium gas leaked out from the subsystem of the spacecraft. During the testing, the container might have a negative pressure which would cause damages of the structure. To prevent such damages, we must increase the weight of the spacecraft container, with and an overweight design to prevent such damages. In this paper, we propose a new method, that is, the helium accumulation under the positive pressure environment based on the mass spectrum technology to avoid any damage to the container. The theoretical analysis and the experimental verification show that the new method is applicable for the total leakage rate testing of the spacecraft, and can help a lightweight design of the spacecraft container.


